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not so average Joe
Joseph is trying to be a good guy, but he's from a long line of pretty dubious characters...
truth matters
Telling the truth matters. Just ask John the Baptist or the prophet Isaiah. The truth helps us to know where we are, what the problems are and what the available…
left behind
Being left behind isn't a good thing... except when it is!!!
We mark remembrance by exploring Isaiah's prophecy of a new world... and Jesus' prophecy of hard times.
come down
We all know the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector... right?
Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax-collector. This should be pretty straightforward because in the world of Luke’s Gospel the…
Practicing gratitude
When Jesus heals 10 men only one comes back to say thank you? Why? And does it matter that the one who does is a foreigner?
Daring Greatly
More faith please. Which one of us wouldn’t want some of that? There are times in all of our lives when we feel like we could do with more faith.…
You know better
When Jesus tells us a parable about a rich man ignoring the poor man who lives at the bottom of his garden, it’s easy for us to agree. To say…
Decision Time?
It's time to decide... who are you going to serve?
Jesus tells some stories about lost things and the joy of finding...
Hope this way…
As inflation rockets and people worry about how they will heat their homes today we encounter Jesus taking a huge swipe at entitlement.  He tells his important host that there…