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commas save lives
Words matter, especially when we are talking about God. The prologue of John's Gospel paints an amazing picture of Christ, who was there at the beginning of all things but who chose to become like us.  Christmas... in just one sentence.
Let’s Dance
On Trinity Sunday Yvonne explores what believing in Father, Son and Holy Spirit means for us and what living out the example of this holy community looks like for us.
Love, actually
Jillian helps us discover through that Jesus' new commandment that love is actually all around.
Follow Me!
At the end of John's Gospel, Jesus' reinstatement and renewal of Peter after he had denied even knowing Jesus three times is a painful conversation, but a conversation full of hope for all of us.  Jesus' instructions to Peter; feed my lambs, tend my sheep, feed my sheep, and the renewal of the invitation to 'follow me', are a manifesto for the church and for each and every one of us.
you’ve changed…
After a long and unsuccessful night fishing a man on the shore suggests the disciples throw their nets out the other side.  It turns out the man is Jesus, but he's different.  He's changed.  What would our equivalent be?  Where might we try something different?  Where might we cast our nets?  And where do we still meet the Risen Christ in our lives?
is it him?
On Palm Sunday at St Ninian's we join the crowd and the religious leaders as they all wonder who on earth this Jesus really is.  We read from John 10:22-39 and John 12:12-16.
love is all you need
Love... Agape. The kind of love God has for us and wants us to have for each other. Compassionate, tender and unconditional. And really hard to live out!
Living Water
In the middle of a water-based festival of thanksgiving Jesus stand up and says... "It's me!  I'm the one you have been waiting for!".  But the crowd aren't sure.  I mean, he's not even from Bethlehem, is he?
Who do you say that I am? Perhaps the most important question Jesus ever asks. John's Gospel reveals a cosmic answer... Jesus is the Christ. But what is that and what does it mean for us?
Bread of Heaven
What does Jesus mean when he talks about feasting on him? And what does the space shuttle have to do with it?
The Generous Bridegroom
Both scripture passages which were read to us tackle the fundamental question underlying all four gospels and many of the epistles. Who is Jesus?