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Fruitfulness… what does it mean to be fruitful in God? What does fruitfulness even look like because none of us are grapes? None of us is actually attached to a…
The Good Shepherd
Jesus tells his followers that he's the good shepherd... and that's a powerful image of someone who will protect and care for his followers, even to the cost of his…
Hold On!!!
Have you ever missed out on something important? Something your friends or colleagues got to share in but you were busy doing something else…. That’s what happens to Thomas. He’s…
It’s Time!
Have you ever had a moment when you reach a crossroads and you’re not sure which way to turn? Or when the satnav says go left and you have this…
What if we're getting this faith thing all wrong? What if we're meant to be doing something different?
What’s YOUR Identity?
Who are you? Not what are you? Or, what do you do? But who are you? What’s your identity? And how do you know?
Listen…. Really listen.  I wonder what God has to say to you today?  Or is God is done speaking?  because I don’t think God is quiet at all.  Perhaps we…
John came as a witness to someone even greater than him.... are we?
Forgiveness is Healing
Jesus stands among his friends and speaks words of peace and forgiveness... because forgiving is healing!
Want to know what God is like? Just look at Jesus.
Just Breathe
Breath is life... but for Jesus it's more... more life that we could ever imagine! And you can have it!
Thrown back into the events of Holy Week we find ourselves confronted by familiar words but in a different context.  Jesus’ talks of many houses, mansions or dwelling places, and…