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It’s for everyone!
The Holy Spirit is strange and even frightening... but it is there to help us... all of us!!!
The Good Shepherd
Jesus tells his followers that he's the good shepherd... and that's a powerful image of someone who will protect and care for his followers, even to the cost of his…
whose image?
Should you pay tax? For most of us the answer is,”Yes, we have to.” But for some people the answer is “only if you have to.” And this was…
what does your cross look like?
Have you ever felt on such a high one minute only to be brought down a peg or two the next? To be praised one minute and chastised the next?…
What does compassion feel like?
We talk about feelings all the time... but they are called feelings because we physically feel something. The emotion has an impact on our body. So, what does compassion feel…
Just Breathe
Breath is life... but for Jesus it's more... more life that we could ever imagine! And you can have it!
don’t give up!
Luke's Gospel is filled with stories like this where the surprise of grace is discovered not in holy, pious, religious, people but in seeing reality through the lens of God's…
How do we deal with doubt?
Do you have doubts? You'll be glad to know you're not alone! But how do we deal with them? Yvonne Hamilton explores this big question in our worship.
What’s the entry cost?
"What can I do to inherit eternal life?" asks the rich man. It's a good question, met with an answer from Jesus that challenges everything we think about success and…
Prayer Matters
Does it matter how you pray? Or even what you pray for? Yvonne Hamilton helps us explore prayer and what Jesus showed us.
Choice… not division
Jesus has what can sound like very harsh words for his followers in our passage from Matthew's gospel today... but perhaps they aren't what they seem at first glance?