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In the flesh
Jesus is alive. Yeah. Right. I’m not sure I believe that. And if that’s what you think you are in good company. That’s what Jesus own followers, his closest friends,…
Hold On!!!
Have you ever missed out on something important? Something your friends or colleagues got to share in but you were busy doing something else…. That’s what happens to Thomas. He’s…
Alive and Kicking!
Jesus is alive!!! But what does that mean for us this Easter Sunday???
It's easter morning!!!
I have questions
Would you believe it?  I mean really?  Some story about Jesus appearing to a couple of second tier disciples as they went home before any of the proper disciples had…
love wins
It's Resurrection Sunday!!! Easter Day. The Lord is risen!!! The tomb is empty... Love has won. It's a story of faith. Their faith and ours. Where will you encounter the risen Christ?