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Hold On!!!
Have you ever missed out on something important? Something your friends or colleagues got to share in but you were busy doing something else…. That’s what happens to Thomas. He’s…
wash your mouth out!
Once again Matthew presents us with two stories which we're supposed to read together, even though they might seem as though they have nothing to do with each other. One…
passing by
Stewart considers the story of Jesus walking on the water and Peter getting out of the boat was really about.
A woman asks for crumbs and opens up the kingdom for all of us. 
a little faith
With faith it's not a matter of size...
What’s your time worth?
Naaman is a powerful man, a commander of armies, but even he with all of that might can't cure his leprosy.  He travels on the advice of a servant girl to seek out Elisha.  And he gets much more than he expects.