Craft Fayre

Gifts, treats and treasures! Ticket £3 includes tea, coffee and cake. Bob’s Cafe open for filled rolls, soup and other treats.

To book a table (£20) call Bob Millar on 07857213804.

Watchnight From The Manse

Join Stewart from the manse as we await midnight and welcome Christmas Day with carols, readings and a probably appearance from the dogs!

Christian Aid Concert

Our annual extravaganza of music and song in support of Christian Aid.  A community event showcasing the talent of Stonehouse with the legendary 12 Days of Christmas finale.

Nativity Service

Our children’s nativity service where we tell the Christmas story and sing loads of carols.

Family Christmas Eve Service

Join the Coalburn Silver Band for a very special Family Christmas Eve service… there might even be a very special visitor if he has time on his busiest night of the year.


as midnight approaches join us for our candlelit watchnight service.

Candlelit Concert

Ancuta Nite-Doyle (piano) and Quintin Doyle (cello) play in the beautiful candlelit surroundings of St Ninian’s Church in Stonehouse. Free refreshments following the performance. CDs on sale!

Tickets available from St Ninian’s or Eventbrite. All proceeds in aid of Kitega Community Centre and St Ninian’s Project Fund.

Family Christmas Movie

Get in the Christmas spirit with our FREE family Christmas Movie! It will be a Christmas classic suitable for all the family.

Santa’s Bedtime Story

Join Santa for a brilliant bedtime story followed by hot chocolate or milk and cookies!

Santa’s Grotto & Cafe

Visit Santa in his brilliant grotto, get creative with our Christmas crafts and warm up with hot chocolate, cakes and lunches. £5 for adults (hot drink & cakes – lunches extra) CHILDREN FREE including visit to Santa and a gift.