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The Secret to Making REAL Change

king of kings
When we call Jesus 'king of kings' what do we mean? And what does that mean for us? Join Stewart as we explore Matthew 25:31-46.
What is God like?
I wonder what you think God is like?  It’s one of those big questions and our answer to it shapes our response to all kinds of things, probably more than…
Do as they say…
What’s your reaction when leaders set hard rules and then don’t follow them?  Should we ignore the rules too?  But what if the rules are good rules?  Rules to help…
love, love, love…
What’s the most important commandment?  It seems like such a straightforward question, especially if you know about these things.  It’s got to be the first one… Right?
whose image?
Should you pay tax?  For most of us the answer is,”Yes, we have to.”   But for some people the answer is “only if you have to.”  And this was…
what not to wear
Weddings are fascinating!  Who gets invited and who doesn’t can cause family rifts that echo for generations.  If you do get an invite there’s the dilemma of what to wear! …
speaking truth to power
They say power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Speaking truth to that kind of power can be dangerous.  But if nobody ever does then nothing will every change.
where does authority come from?
On who’s authority? It’s a good question. One the should ask. But why would you ask. question when you’ve already made up your mind what you think. But as usual…
Who much money is enough?
How much is enough? And when you think about your answer to that are you wondering how much is enough for you? Or are you thinking about how some people…
repair shop
Forgiveness is hard. Really hard. And yet Jesus seems very serious about how important it is.
how to end an argument
Do you argue a lot?  Get frustrated by other people who are obviously wrong?  Wonder how we ended up in a world where everyone takes sides?  What can we do…