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Knock, knock… Whose Prayer?
Prayer is all about re-orienting our focus back to God and then considering how our own actions flow from that orientation.  God first… and everything else follows. Our attitude to everything changes:  Our priorities change.  Our needs and desires change.  Our actions change.
I wonder, what changes of being me might I allow to happen if I am to know more joy and celebration as a Christian?  What ways of being Church could we change to reach out to our community?  This is a real challenge the church is facing and Jesus has plenty to say about it.
What Are Your Foundations?
The wise and foolish builders... one who built his house on strong foundations on the rock, the other who built his house on the sand. When the floods came one stood firm and the other collapsed. What is your life found on?
The 70 people Jesus sent out came back full of surprise. People were healed and changed and discovered that they are loved. The Good News is true. And it is for everyone!
Discovering Discipleship