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I often wonder if we read some of the stories in the Bible so often that we stop seeing what’s in them. If we stopped being amazed by the big…
Where else would I be?
When Jesus is posted missing his parents are frantic... but where else would he be?
Christmas Day
We celebrate the birth of Jesus
We wait... and wonder...
Magnificent, she says
Mary's song takes a perhaps unexpected twist though…. so before we get all starry eyed and sentimental… this is two pregnant women discussing the downfall of all earthly empires!
this is the good news?
John the Baptist calls them a group of snakes... and this is the good news?  How?
prepare the way
How do we prepare the way?  What would the refining fire find in us that needs removed?  What would the fuller’s soap wash away?
Advent is here. The long wait has begun. But the wait isn't for what you might think...
I have questions
Would you believe it?  I mean really?  Some story about Jesus appearing to a couple of second tier disciples as they went home before any of the proper disciples had…
Now, go in peace
Today our guest preacher is Right Rev. Dr Martin Fair, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
Watchnight 2020
We keep watch together in the last moments of advent as we await the birth of the Christ-child once more.
Our young people lead worship this week, telling us the story of the birth of Jesus... in a lockdown fashion!