There are lots of ways to get involved and volunteer at St Ninian’s.
Work With Children
We have a creche, sunday school, holiday club, Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade companies. Each of these offers brilliant opportunities to work with children. We recruit following the Church of Scotland’s safeguarding and safe recruitment proceedures and all of our volunteers are members of the PVG scheme.
Young People
We are about to start a Youth Fellowship. If working with teenagers is your thing then get in touch!
Older People
Each month we hold a worship service in one of our local nursing homes or sheltered housing complexes. Members of the congregation join with residents to spend time in worship and fellowship.
Each Sunday people welcome others to worship, read the Scripture passage and lead prayers for others. After worship we provide a light lunch. On the first Sunday of the month we have Night Church where people volunteer to welcome and serve tea and coffee.
If you would like to get involved with any of these opportunities then please get in touch or speak to Stewart after the service on Sunday.